How to use the heald?


Heddles are known for the highest quality, innovative d […]

Heddles are known for the highest quality, innovative details, and long-running times. Depending on the respective application, a wide range of healds with different materials and end ring shapes are available.

The healds are used to guide the warp yarns to move up and down to form a weaving shuttle for the weft yarns to be introduced in. The healds we provide are made of high-quality stainless steel.

The heald is a device that controls the warp or longitudinal threads during the weaving process. When weaving on the simplest loom, one person manually manipulates the weft or cross threads above and below the warp threads. On more complex looms, healds control the warp.

To use healds, one person needs to lift up the wire harness and then pull up the warp threads tied to the healds to create the first shed, a tent-like opening between the warp threads. This is the upper shed.

Then, the weaving shuttle holding the weft thread passes through the open shed. Next, pull down the seat belt to create the lower shed, and then the shuttle machine passes through it. On looms with multiple strands, the weaver reads drafts or patterns to determine when to lift each strand.

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