Structure Of Textile Wire Heald


Right Kind of Weaving Heddles are Great Investments if […]

Right Kind of Weaving Heddles are Great Investments if You are Really Serious in the Art of Weaving
Whether you have been practicing the arts of weaving and have become an expert at your new craft, or whether you are still a beginner who is learning these wonderful skills and looking forward to future goals, you should know certain things for projects. In the beginning, you should start with small projects such as scarves, placemats, shawls, or anything simple. In these cases, it may be beneficial to use weaving heddles. These devices give the weavers new opportunities to create more artistic weaves.

No doubt it is the most important invention in the Textile wire heald. Various types of Weaving Heddle can perform comprehensive operations. This device allows a weaver to handle various complex operations relating to garments production.


• It is an integral part of a loom.

• It is a comb-like item with eye-like holes.

• During the weaving process, it controls the warp, or lengthwise, threads

• Through holes the warp will alternate.

• Having alternating slots and holes, is often called a reed.

• Heddles simultaneously lift selected warp threads to allow the weaver quickly to slide the shuttle holding the weft through the opening, or shed.

• These are available in several lengths and a large variety in quality (a wire, inserted eye heddle, and a repair heddle).

• There are two types of heddles — suspended and rigid

• Rigid heddle is simply a piece of wood or plastic with alternate slots and holes that the warp is threaded through.

• The suspended heddle assembly is usually made of string or wire heddles in a harness.


• Weaving Heddles remain extremely popular with beginning weavers who are wishing to try out the craft of weaving without any error.

• It is best to start up your weaving lessons and cultivate your potential and skills.

• It helps you make handloom work, such as rugs, blankets, placemats, dish towels, scarves, shawls, and other pieces of clothes from plain to fancy.

• The latest designing technology of heddle allows users to get maximum benefits in a weaving project without feeling frustrated for low-quality weaving.

• Every weaver can be satisfied while using strongly built, easily installed, and finely polished heddle in looms because their costly and delicate yarns can pass through them easily and quickly.

• Excellent designing features and quality material, modern weaving heddle can be fitted into looms easily and can be repaired/replaced in case of break without requiring more space for storage, making weaving possible and comfortable for people of all categories.

• Because of their uncomplicated feature, there is a great way to get started weaving and you can also enroll in weaving classes to learn heddle weaving. It may be beneficial for you.

• Marks an important step in the development of modern technologies for producing the best quality fabrics with intricate designs.

• It is helping the textile industries in increasing productivity and making more money in the process.

• It also encouraged architecture to come up with more inventions and innovations which could benefit the textile industry.

Whatever weaving projects you plan to make, your Weaving Heddle will be your most important tool so be sure to choose the best.

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